Harvard-Longwood Short-Term Research Training
in Vascular Surgery (NIH-T35)

At Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

The goal of the Harvard-Longwood Short-Term Research Training in Vascular Surgery (NIH-T35) medical student fellowship is to encourage the movement of technical innovation and relevant clinical findings from the laboratory to the vascular surgical community. The practice of medicine and the treatment of vascular disease become more and more challenging with each passing day. It is the hope of this fellowship that those who pursue this field will contribute to the advancement of medical care.

Harvard-Longwood Research Training
in Vascular Surgery (NIH-T32)

The Harvard-Longwood Research Training in Vascular Surgery Program (NIH-T32) is designed to provide two years of intense basic research training in cardiovascular surgery for academic clinicians. The training program addresses the absence of adequate research training for cardiovascular surgeons as it applies to specific areas of clinical disease. This program is fully funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Application deadline for May 2025: January 31, 2025

Application deadline for July 2023: January 1, 2023

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